If you have a septic tank, ensuring regular maintenance is key to the long-term health of your system. The most common cause of early septic system failures are a direct result of the lack of pumping and maintenance.

Find out more on how we can assist you by contacting our experts today!


Most tanks have available space for up to 3-5 years of accumulated sludge before they stop functioning as designed. It is highly recommended to have a scheduled routine pumping before the limit dates on your septic tank to avoid leaving your system in an unsalvageable condition, leading to permanent damage and a very costly repair.

Our pumping services include:

  • Extraction from both the inlet AND the outlet sections of your septic tank

  • Cleaning of the filter on the outlet side of the septic tank (if one is present)

  • Inspection of the distribution box if accessible


There are many different septic systems, each with their own design. It consists of these three main parts:

1. The septic tank

2. The distribution box

3. The drain field.

All of the water from your home goes through a single pipe below the ground and flows into the septic tank. The septic tank is a buried and is a water-tight container and is usually made from concrete, fiberglass, or polyethylene.

The septic tanks job is to hold the wastewater long enough that it allows solids to settle to the bottom, forming sludge, while oils and grease float to the top which is known as scum. As wastewater enters the septic tank, an equal amount will leave the tank from the other side. As wastewater leaves the septic tank it travels to the distribution box. This box distributes the wastewater evenly into the drain field. Incoming water Is then absorbed throughout the soil where its cleaned by natural means.


When a septic system is not maintained, the solids in the tank will build-up and flow into the drain-field. This will clog the soils, and prevent water from absorbing correctly, therefor clogging up the system.

Regular maintenance is highly recommended every 3-5 years and isn’t that expensive, but you could easily spend into the tens of thousands to dig up and replace a septic system that has completely failed.

Septic systems do vary due to tank size, wastewater volume being created, system design, but all require maintenance. The idea is to prevent solids from being discharged beyond the septic tank and into the remaining components of the system.

During our regular pumping, our certified technicians will share the condition of your tank and any recommended maintenance that is needed to preserve the life of your septic system. Estimates of those repairs will be provided to you.


  • Wastewater backing up into the house
  • Gurgling noises when flushing and/or draining water
  • Bright green, spongy grass on the drain-field, even during dry weather
  • Pooling water or muddy soil around your septic system or in your basement
  • A strong odor from around the septic tank and your drain-field
  • You haven’t had your tank pumped in the last 3 years

Benefits of our repairs and installation:

Our installers researches the best, long-term solution and components instead of the cheapest installation possible

Our Installers partners with Soil Scientists, Engineers, and the  local county health departments, on behalf of the homeowner to ensure a proper design

Finish quality grading after the installation is complete

Riser installation for access to the key components